Digital logic and electronic circuits rely on electronic switches called transistors, which are made from semiconductors. Semiconductors have the ability to conduct electricity like a metal or insulate like a nonmetal, and this property can be controlled through a process called doping. Transistors are constructed by creating a sandwich of differently doped semiconductor layers and can be either bipolar-junction transistors (BJTs) or field-effect transistors (FETs). Diodes are another basic semiconductor structure formed by a junction of N-type and P-type silicon and act like one-way valves. Multiple discrete transistors were originally wired together to form digital logic circuits, but with the invention of the integrated circuit (IC), multiple transistors and diodes can be fabricated on a single chip. Modern ICs contain millions of individual transistors and wires that are measured in increments as small as 0.1μm. There are two main transistor technologies used for IC fabrication: bipolar and metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS), with MOS being the dominant technology since the 1980s. CMOS, which incorporates both NMOS and PMOS transistors, is currently the most popular CMOS technology for digital logic ICs.
缩写到300字以内 Digital logic and electronic circuits derive their functionality from electronic switches called transistor. Roughly speaking, the transistor can be likened to an electronically controlled valve whereby energy applied to one connection ...