

A abandon, abbreviation, ability, able, abnormal, abolish, abortion, abrupt, absence, absolute, absorb, abstract, absurd, abundant, abuse

B babyhood, backache, background, backwardness,bacteria,bad-tempered,baggage,bailiff,balance,balcony,baldness,bankrupt

C calculate,calf,camera,campaign,campus,cancellation,candidate,candy,canteen,capability,capitalism

D daily,dairy,damaging,damp,dangerous,daring,data,dateless,dative,dazzling,

E each,eager,eagle,economy,economic,suspect educate education effect effective efficiency efficient effort eight eighteen eighth eighty either eject elaborate elastic elderly electric electrical electricity electronic elegant element elementary elevate eleven eliminate eligible elite eloquent embark embarrass embassy emergency emit emotion emotional emphasis employ employee employer employment enable encounter encourage encroach encyclopedia end endow endure enemy energetic enforce engage engine engineer enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertain enthusiasm entire entrance entreat envious environment environmental envy epic equipment equivalent eradicate erect err error escape escort establish estimate eternal ethics ethnic evacuate evade evaluate even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolution evolve exact examine example exceed excel excellent exception excessive exchange excite exclude exclusive excuse execute exercise exhaust exhibit exist exit expand expect expense experience experiment expert expire explain explode exploit explore export expose express extend extensive extent external extra extravagant extreme eye eyebrow eyelid eyesight

F fabricate face facilitate facility faction factor factory faculty fade fail failure faint fair faithful fake fall false fame familiar family famine famous fan fancy fantastic fantasy far fare farewell farm farmer fascinate fashion fashionable fast fasten fatal fate father fatigue fault favor favorite fear feasible feature fee feed feedback feel fellow female feminine fence ferry fertile fertilize festival fetch fever few fiber fiction field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight figure file fill film filter final finance financial find fine finish fire firm first fiscal fish fist fit five fix flash flat flavor flee fleet flexible flight float flock flood floor flourish flow flower fluctuate fluent fluid flush fly foam focus fog fold follow fond fool foot football forbid force forecast foreign forest forever forge forget forgive fork form formal formation former formula forth fortunate fortune forward foster foul found foundation founder fountain four fourteen fourth fraction fragile frame frank free freedom freeze freight French frequency frequent fresh friction Friday friend friendly frighten fringe frog from front frontier frost frown fruit frustrate fuel fulfill full fun function fundamental funeral funny furniture further future

G gaiety gain gallery gamble game gang gap garage garbage garden garment gas gasoline gather gaze gear general generate generation generous genius gentle genuine geography gesture get ghost giant gift girl give glad glance glare glass glitter globe glory glove glue go goal God gold good gorgeous gossip govern government grace graceful grade gradual graduate grain grand grant grape grasp grass grateful grave gray grease great Greece greedy green greet grey grief grill grind grip grope gross ground group grow growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guild guilty gulf gun guy

H habit habitat hair hairy half halt hammer hand handicap handle handsome handy hang happen happiness happy harbor hard hardly hardship hardware harmless harmony harness harsh harvest haste hat hatch hate haul have hazard he head headquarters heal health healthy heap hear hearing heart heat heaven heavy heel height heir helicopter hell hello helmet help helpful hen hence her herald herb here heritage hero hesitate hi hide high highlight highly highway hill hint hip hire his history hit hive ho hold hole holiday hollow holy home homeless homework honest honey honor hook hope horizon horizontal horn horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household hover how however huge human humble humor hundred hunger hunt hurry hurt husband hybrid hydroelectricity hydrogen hypothesis

I ice iceberg idea ideal identify identity idiomatic idle if ignite ignore ill illegal illegible illness illuminate illusion illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immense immigrate immune impact impair impale impartial impatient impeach impede impel imperative imperceptible imperfect implement implicate imply import important impose impossible impress impression impressive imprison improve impulse in inability inaccessible inaccurate inadequate inapplicable inapproachable inappropriate inarticulate inaugurate incense incentive inch incident incidental incinerate incite include income incorporate increase incredible incur indecent indefinite independence independent index indicate indictment indifferent indigenous indignant indirect individual induce indulge industrial industry ineffective inefficiency inefficient inequality inevitable inexhaustible inexpensive inexperienced infamy infant infect infer inferior infinite infinity inflate influence inform infrastructure ingenious inhabit inhibit inhale inherit initial initiate inject injure ink innocent innovate input inquire inquiry insane insect insert inside insight inspect inspire install instance instant instead instinct institute institution instruct instrument insulate insult insurance integrate integrity intellect intellectual intelligent intense intend intense interact intercede intercept interchange interconnect interest interfere interior intermediate internal international interpret interrupt interval intervene intimate intimidate into introduce invade invent inventory invest investigate invitation invite involve ion iron irrigate island isolate issue it itself

J jacket jail jam January jar jaw jealous jeans jelly jeopardize jewel jewelry job joint joke journalist journey joy judge judgment judicial juice July jump jungle junior junk jurisdiction jury just justice justify

K keep kernel kettle key keyboard kick kid kidney kill kind king kingdom kiss kitchen kite kneel knife knit knob knock know knowledge

L labor laboratory lack ladder ladle lady lag lake lamb lame lament lamp land landscape lane language lap large laser last late laugh laundry lavatory law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lazy lead leaf leak lean leap learn lease least leather leave lecture left legal legend legislation legitimate leisure lend lengthen less lesson let letter level leverage liberal liberty library license lid lie life lift light lighten like likely limb limit limitation limited line link lion lip liquid list listen literary literature live lively livestock load loaf loan lobby local locate lock locomotive lodge loft log logical lonely long look loop loose lord lose loss lot loud love low loyal luck luggage lump lunch lung luxury

M machine machinery mad magazine magic magnificent maid mail main maintain maintenance major majority make male mall man manage management manager mandarin maneuver manifest manipulate mankind manner manual manufacture manuscript many map march margin marine mark market marriage marry mask mass master match material math matter mature maximum May maybe maze me meal mean meaning meaningful means meantime meanwhile measure mechanic mechanical mechanism medal medical medicine medieval medium meet member membership memory menace mend mental mention mentor menu merchandise mere merge merit merry message metal metaphor meter method meticulous middle midnight might mild mile military milk mill mimic mind mine mineral minimum minister ministry minor minority minute miracle mirror miserable mislead miss missile mission mistake mix mobile mode model moderate modern modest modify module moist mold mole molecule moment momentum monarch money monitor monkey monster month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivate motive motor motorcycle mount mountain mourn mouse mouth move movie much mud mug multiply murder muscle museum mushroom music must mute mutual mystery myth

N nail name narrow nation native natural nature navy near neat necessary neck negative neglect neighbor neither nephew nerve nest net network never nevertheless new news newsletter newspaper next nice night nil nine nineteen ninety no noble nobody nod noise none nonetheless noon nor normal north nose not note nothing notice notify notion now nowadays nowhere nuclear number numerous nurse nut

O oak object objection objective obligation observe obtain obvious occasion occupy occur ocean odd odds off offend offer office officer official often oil old omit on once one only open operate operation operator opinion opportunity oppose opposite oppress option or oral orange orbit order ordinary organize origin original ornament other otherwise ought our out outbreak outcome outdoor outline outlet output outrage outside outstanding oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner oxidize

P pace pack package pad page pain painful paint pair palace pale palm panel panic pant paper parachute parade paradise paragraph parallel pardon parent park parliament partial participate particular partly partner party pass passage passenger passion passive past paste patch path patience patient pattern pause pay payment peace peaceful peak peculiar pedal peel penalty pencil pending penetrate penicillin people pepper perceive percent perception perfect perform performance perhaps period permanent permit permission permit personality perspective persuade pet petroleum phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph phrase physical physician piano pick picnic picture piece pig pile pill pilot pin pine pink pint pioneer pipe pitch pity place plain plan plane planet plank plant plastic plate platform play pleasant please pleasure plenty plot plug plus plunge plural pocket poem poet poetry point poison pole police policy polish polite political poll pollution ponder pool poor pop popular population porcelain port portable portal pose position positive possess possibility possible post postpone pot potato potential pound pour poverty powder power practical practice praise pray preach precede precise predict prefer prefix pregnant prejudice preliminary premise prepare presence present preserve president press pressure presume pretend prevent previous price pride primary prime prince principal principle print prior priority prison private privilege prize probable problem procedure proceed process proclaim produce product professional professor profit program progress prohibit project prolong promise promote prompt pronounce proof proper property proportion proposal propose prospect prosper protect protest proud prove provide provoke public psychology publication publicity publish pull pump punch punish pupil purchase pure purple purpose pursue push put puzzle

Q qualification qualify quality quantity quarter queen query quest question quick quiet quite quiz quota quotation

R rabbit race racism rack radar radiate radical radio rage raid rail railroad rain raise rally ram random range rank rapid rare rat rate rather ratio rational raw ray razor reach react reaction read ready real realism reality realize really realm reap reason reasonable rebel recall receipt receive recent recess recipe recipient reckon recognize recommend reconcile record recover red redeem reduce reduction reed refer reference reflect reflection reform refuse regard regime region register regret regular regulate reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remarkable remedy remember remind remote remove render renew rent repair repeat replace reply report represent representative reproduce republic reputation request require rescue research resemble reservation reserve reside residence resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restrain restrict result retain retire retreat return reveal revenge revenue reverse review revise revolt revolution reward rhythm rice rich ridiculous right rigid ring ripe rise risk ritual rival river road roar rob rock rocket rod roll romantic roof room root rope rose rotate rotten rough round route routine row royal rubber rubbish rude ruin rule rumor run rural rush rust ruthless

S sack sacred sacrifice sad safe safety sail sailor sake salad salary sale salt salute same sample sanction sand satisfy sauce sausage save say scale scan scar scarcely scare scatter scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scope score scorn scratch scream screen script scroll sea seal search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select self sell seminar senate send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious serve service session set settle seven seventeen seventy several severe sew sex shade shadow shake shallow shame shape share sharp shave she sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shock shoe shoot shop shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shrink shrug shut shy sick side siege sight sign signal signature significant silence silk silly silver similar simple simplify simulate sincere sing single sink sir sister sit site situation size skeleton ski skill skin skirt sky slab slacken slam slap slash sleep sleeve slice slide slight slim slip slope slow small smart smash smell smile smoke smooth snake snap sneer snow so soak soap soar sociable social society soft software soil soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhere son song soon sorrow sorry sort soul sound soup source south souvenir sovereign space spacious spare spark speak special species specific specify spectacle spectacular speed spell spend sphere spider spin spirit spite splendid split spoil sponsor spoon sport spot spouse spray spread spring spy square stable stack staff stage stain stake stall stamp stand standard star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steam steel steep steer stem step stereotype stick stiff still stimulate sting stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story stove straight strange strategy stream street strength stress stretch strict strike string strip strive stroke strong structure struggle student study stuff stumble stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial substitute succeed success such suck suffer sufficient sugar suggest suicide suit suitable summary summer summit sun super superb superior supervise supply support suppose suppress supreme sure surface surgeon surprise surround survey survive suspect suspend sustain swallow swamp swear sweat sweep sweet swim swing switch sword symbol sympathy symptom system

T table taboo tackle tag tail take talent talk tall tame tan tank tap tape target task taste tattoo tax taxi tea teach teacher tear technical technique technology tedious teenager telephone telescope tell temperature temporary tempt ten tender tense term terrible terrific territory terror test textile than thank that the theater thee their them theme themselves then theory there therefore these they thick thief thin thing think third thirst thirty this those thou though thought thousand threat three thrive throat through throw thrust thumb thus ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight tile till time timid tin tiny tip tire title to today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic torch torn torture total touch tough tour tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traffic tragic trail train training transfer transform transient translate transparent trap travel tray treasure treat tree tremendous trend trial triangle tribe trick trip triumph trodden trophy trouble trousers true truly trunk trust truth try tube tug tuition tumble tune tunnel turn twelve twenty twice twin twist two type typical

U ugly ultimate umbrella unable uncertain unconscious unconsciously undergo understand understanding underwear undo unemployed unemployment unequal unexpected unfair unfold unfortunate unhappy uniform union unique unite unity universal university unlimited unless unlike until unusual unwelcome up upon upper upset upward urban urge urgent usage use used useful useless usual utility utilize utmost utter

V vacation vacuum vague valid valley valuable value vanish vanity variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle veil vein velocity velvet vendor venture verbal verify version vertical very vessel veteran via vice vicious victim victory video view village violate violence violet virgin virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume voluntary vote voyage

W wage wagon waist wait wake walk wall wallet wander want war ward warehouse warm warn warrant wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth weapon wear weather weave web wedding Wednesday week weekend weigh weight welcome welfare well west wet whale what whatever wheat wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whip whirl whisk whisper whistle white who whoever whole whom whose why wide widow width wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wood wooden word work worker world worry worship worth would wound wrap write wrong

Y yard yarn year yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your youth

Z zeal zenith zero zest zinc zone


游客 游客



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