NEIPv4Settings is a class in the Network Extension framework provided by Apple. It defines properties and methods that allow developers to configure IPv4-related network settings for their app’s VPN tunnel.
Some of the key properties of NEIPv4Settings include:
- address: The IPv4 address of the VPN client.
- subnetMask: The subnet mask used to define the VPN client’s network.
- includedRoutes: An array of NEIPv4Route objects that define the destination IP addresses and subnet masks reachable through the VPN tunnel.
- excludedRoutes: An array of NEIPv4Route objects that define the destination IP addresses and subnet masks that should not be routed through the VPN tunnel.
- dnsSettings: An instance of NEDNSSettings that contains DNS configuration information for the VPN tunnel.
Developers can use these properties along with other methods in the NEIPv4Settings class to customize their app’s VPN tunnel and ensure that traffic is properly routed through the VPN connection.